School Meals
Children can bring a packed lunch or purchase a hot meal. Packed lunches should be brought to school in a strong marked container. No glass bottles, cans or fizzy drinks please.
Hot meals are provided by Caterlink. Payment is online at and meals cost £2.54 per day. Children can pick and choose their meals as they wish. Teachers collect dinner choices at the start of each day during registration.
The current menu can be downloaded by clicking the following link:
Main Menu & Allergy Information
Drinks in School
There has been much publicity about the potential problems of dehydration among school pupils. In order to avoid this, pupils are allowed to bring water bottles to school to keep on their desks. These can be filled from taps in the classroom. Suitable bottles are on sale from the School Reception desk at a cost of £2.00.
Morning Break Snacks
Pupils are allowed to bring in something to eat at mid-morning break which should be kept in their classroom tray. Foods high in fat or sugar are the least appropriate for this purpose. The School Council feel that crisps are not suitable for morning break and therefore are banned. The School Council would like children to eat lots of fruit or vegetables for their snacks, as they feel these are most beneficial for their fellow students.
The school is committed to promoting healthy eating and would appreciate the help of parents and carers in supporting our aims by providing nutritious and healthy snacks and packed lunches.