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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. The Pupil Premium is designed to ensure that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.  The funding is allocated to schools with pupils who are eligible for free school meals (DPP - Deprivation Pupil Premium), looked after children (LAC - Looked After Premium), pupils adopted from care (AFCP - Adopted From Care Premium) or have parents currently in the Armed Forces (SCP - Service Child Premium). 

In the current 2023/24 academic year, the funding allocated to DPP is £1,455 per child, LAC is £2,530 per child and SCP is £335. 


The Department for Education requires that all schools publish information about previous and current spending arrangements. This should be in place by 31st December.


The following information and data has been provided to show how Churchdown Village Junior School uses its Pupil Premium funding. The information shows how we used our funding during the 2021/22 academic year and the proposed spending for 2022/23.



Funding Information for 2022/23

Total number of pupils on roll    


Number of pupils entitled to pupil premium  

32 (DPP: 14   LAC: 0   SCP: 18)    

Total amount of funding received 


Summary of Pupil Premium Spending 2021/22

Objectives in spending Pupil Premium:

  • To narrow the gap in terms of attainment for children in receipt of DPP
  • To accelerate progress for children in receipt of DPP
  • To provide pastoral support (if appropriate) for children in receipt of SCP


Summary of actions and spending in 2021/22:

The attainment and progress of all pupils are tracked and monitored at Churchdown Village Junior School. This ensures that we monitor expected progress and intervene where necessary. Pupils entitled to the Pupil Premium funding receive regular support, along with their peers. This includes:

  • Working with the teacher or teaching assistant in class.
  • Receiving group support and intervention by the teacher or teaching assistant out of core lessons.
  • Receiving individual support by teacher or teaching assistant for specific intervention activities.


Pupil Premium funding is also used at CVJS for a range of specific groups, where attainment and progress are targeted, along with pastoral support where needed. These include:


  • Participation in other intervention programmes identified and organised by the SENCo e.g. spelling or reading programmes.
  • Work with Parent & Child Support Advisor (PACSA) targeting social skills or friendship groups.
  • Programme of one to one support in reading, writing and mathematics.
  • Booster groups for children in Year 6 in reading, writing and mathematics.


Impact of Pupil Premium in 2021/22:

We use published KS2 SATs data for pupils entitled to Pupil Premium in Y6 to gauge the impact of our support.


KS2 SATs Results 2022 (4 pupils eligible for DPP):

                                                                                         CVJS                  Glos Ave

Reading (Expected Standard)                                100%                   57.2%

Writing (Expected Standard)                                    75%                   49.4%

GPS (Expected Standard)                                           75%                   54.6%

Mathematics (Expected Standard)                       100%                  47.5%


In addition, we also monitor the progress of children in class using the teachers' knowledge of each child. Informal assessments have continued. Pastoral work has also continued and has been an integral part of our school offer. The school's Pupil Care team monitored children throughout the pandemic and ensured that children and families have been supported as needed. For those children in Year 6, we have passed on records, information and provided guidance to colleagues in our local grammar and secondary schools to support the transition process.


Summary of Planned Pupil Premium Spending 2022/23

The funding for 2022/23 is £25,150. The Pupil Premium funding will be used to offer our pupils a range of pastoral support, in-class support, targeted intervention support, subsidised events and activities and other programmes designed to engage and support all children entitled to this funding.


Funding has been budgeted to support the following areas this academic year:

  • Access to our PACSA - our Parent and Child Support Advisor (Mrs Hughes)
  • Access to our Wellbeing Champion (Mrs Willcock)
  • One to one pupil support in reading, writing and / or mathematics
  • Intervention and group work in reading, writing and / or mathematics
  • Social Skills groups - designed to develop confidence and resilience

Barriers to educational achievement

When making decisions about using Pupil Premium funding, it is important to consider the context of the school and the subsequent challenges faced. Common barriers for children entitle to DPP can be less support at home, weak language and communication skills, lack of confidence, more frequent behaviour difficulties, and attendance and punctuality issues. There may also be complex family situations that prevent children from flourishing. The challenges are varied and there is no ‘one size fits all’. For those children who have family members serving in the armed forces, there are times when they need our support. Family members may be involved in active duty and can be away from home for up to six months, Our role is to provide support during these difficult times.


How do we measure the impact of this funding?

The impact of the Pupil Premium funding can be seen in several ways. Firstly, we can use KS2 SATs data to analyse attainment and progress data. Our aim is to ensure that we are 'diminishing the difference' or 'closing the gap' between FSM and non-FSM pupils. However, the impact can also be observed in school on a daily basis. Pupils entitled to the Pupil Premium funding should thrive and flourish with the CVJS environment in all areas of the curriculum - just as other pupils do. By providing support, care and resources, we aim for all children here at the school to develop our HEART values during their time with us.


The CVJS Pupil Premium strategy is reviewed on an annual basis. Changes to spending and provision are made according to the specific children with us at any point in time.