We currently have the following vacancies:
Year 3: 12 spaces
Year 4: No spaces
Year 5: No spaces
Year 6: No spaces
If you would like to talk to us about admissions, please contact Mrs Hooper, our School Business Manager.
Jenny Hooper:01452 712330
Parents wishing their children to be considered for a place at Churchdown Village Junior School when moving from Year 2 should click the link below for further information from Gloucestershire County Council:
The responsibility for the administration of the In-Year Admissions Process lies with the school itself.
Therefore, if you wish to be considered for a place at this school beyond the start of Year 3, you will need to complete the new in-year application form that is available for parents to download at and return it directly to Churchdown Village Junior School for consideration.
Please follow this link for additional information regarding the current admission arrangements:
Admission criteria and scheme for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools