Meet The Governors
Mr Mark Bacon
Co-opted Governor & Chair of the Governing Body
Mrs Kate Brumfield
Co-opted Governors Mr James Alder, Mrs Abi Aversa, Mr Richard Berry, Mrs Kate Brumfield (Chair), Mrs Cara Wood, Mrs Kate Curtis, Mrs Hollie Jenkins (Vice Chair), Mr Ewen Saunders, Mrs Lindsey Egglestone
Parent Governors Mrs Mel Greenwood and Mrs Sam Taylor
LA Governor: Awaiting a new Governor
Staff Governor:
Mrs Rachel Cottell
Mrs Jenny Hooper
Curriculum & SEN (Committee Chair Kate Brumfield)
Finance & Premises (Committee Chair Richard Berry)
Personnel (Committee Chair Hollie Jenkins)
The Governor's Role
A school's governing body is a vital link to school life. Briefly, the Governing Body has three main roles. These are:
1. To take an overview of the school by being involved in the strategic planning and allocation of resources.
2. To set up and keep under review the broad framework within which the Headteacher and staff should run the school.
3. To focus on the key issues of raising standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning.
In practical terms, this means having an involvement in and approving all of the school’s policies, the school self evaluation programme and the school development and improvement plan. It has many other responsibilities covering such areas as finance, premises, curriculum and personnel. As you can see the governors have a responsibility in practically all aspects of school life to ensure accountability.
The relationship between the governors and the school has been described as that of a critical friend. We are not trying to do the teacher’s job! We are blessed at our school with a highly professional team and our aim is to give the head and his staff all the necessary support they need to do the job to the best of their ability.
All governors may be contacted via the school.
Governor FGB Attendance
The following table shows attendance at the school's Full Governing Body meetings during the 2024/25 academic year:
Governor details:
For details of the start dates, end dates and key roles of the governing body, please click the link below: